BBQ, cookies and ANOTHER flood!

The other day we went to a BBQ up at Steve's work. Steve is in the 607th Weather Squadron. There is also a Korean Army Weather Squadron...the 736th.

The 607th WS invited the 736th to a BBQ. The squadron supplied all the meat and then all of us wives brought the sides and desserts.

After we ate the kids and some of the crazy fun adults started playing hide and go seek. I had not laughed so hard since I don't know when? My kids had a blast!

Here are Madi and her friend Delany. Their dads are both Weather Forcasters and her mom Betty I met through blogging last year and now we are all in Korea...neat huh?

There is Madi....

Now you see her...

And now you don't. She is hauling butt around the building...trying to not get tagged in that game they were playing. But poor Madi had Veronica chasing her. She is one of the faster runners in the Squadron.

I took No Bake cookies to the BBQ and had a few people ask me for my recipe:

2 cups sugar
1/2 cup butter
3 TBSP cocoa
1/4 tspsalt 1/2 cup milk

Boil 1 minute, remove from heat.

3 cups oats
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla

drop quickly by spoon onto wax paper and let cool

I have now been in Korea for 1 month. Today was our 3rd flood. These pics are taking from our 17th floor. Steve could not drive home from work. He walked....all gates to the base were shut down...the only way in or out was to walk. The base flooded really really bad. We got home from school just as all this started to begin...thank goodness.

This is the road we live on. I was mainly flooded right in front of our buildings. Right where all those cars are stopped...if you turn left there you will be at one of the gates to the base...only like a 5 min. walk from our house. The flood waters by us are only lasted about 1 1/2 we are on the 17th floor...we really can't flood.

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