Last year when my youngest child started Kindergarten I signed up to be a substitute teacher. Today I subbed for the first time this school year and just 1/2 day at that. When my front office called me Monday to ask if I would be interested in this job they told me it was for the Moderate class...not just anyone would want to do it. There are 3 kids and 3 teachers. One of them has Down Syndrome, one with CP with other things and I am not sure about the other one. I was excited thinking I may like it but also nervous. I LOVED it. It was amazing. There is so much love and patience in there. During circle time we showed them three pictures of the three kids in there and their challenge was to point to the picture of themselves. When they did it you should have seen the three of us teachers clap and cheer. They have the coolest stuff in this classroom...a small trampoline! The one not so little 1st grader with Down Syndrome went to go jump. He can't jump he just bends his knees and bounces a little...he was laughing so hard yelling jump jump jump and we all clapped and joined in jump jump jump. It was just the most wonderful experience for me. On my way out of the school I had to check out through the office and told Wanda anytime they need a sub for that class I would LOVE to do it. I am still in awe of what happened as I am writing this...can ya tell?
It's almost September and September makes me think of pie, apple upside down cake, caramel apples, apple crisp and my moms applesauce cake. The other night before Steve left the baking bug got to me so I made some yummy applesauce cake. It's easy!
1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of applesauce
2 cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground cloves
1 cup raisins
cream butter, sugar and applesauce. Add flour and spices and then raisins.
Bake in greased and floured loaf pan or three minis.
Bake 40 min. at 350 degrees.

(yes here is my recipe card from when I was a teenager. I tell my husband if there is a fire my recipe boxes are on the list of things to grab to save)
Maybe it's because my mom made mini loves...but I love them. When I make batter and do this it's easy to share a little loaf and still have some for my family.

I love to serve my little loaves sliced on my long skinny Japanese dishes. I LOVE blue and white. When I was younger and in the Air Force, stationed in Japan, my friends thought I was a crazy single girl buying so many dishes...but I had hopes to one day get my dream job of wife and mother and do all things I get to do.
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