It has been cloudy for 6 days and raining for the last 4. It is August in Atlanta, Georgia and should be 102 not 72....I am not complaining I am loving it. It is remnants of that storm Faye...still. Don't I sound like I am married to a weather man. I am. He is not the kind you see on TV. He does all that computer and satellite stuff and briefs pilots. He is in the Air Force but has worked for the Army the last 6 years(the Army does not have a weather career field so it's Air Force people that get stationed at Army bases to do it) so his job is called a Battlefield Weather Forecaster. Well this morning after I got home from the gym I started a little pot of Home Sweet Home and now my house smells wonderful.

Sauce pan of water
ground cinnamon
ground cloves
Heat to almost a boil and then simmer. You can leave this on all day...just remember to keep an eye on it and add water when needed. MMM Enjoy!
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