Holy cow...we live only 75 minutes from San Francisco. When it's sunny and 98 degrees in Sacramento it's foggy and high of 61 in San Francisco. The pacific ocean currant comes from the north by Alaska...mix that cold water with a breeze coming off it and the hot California temps that makes the fog hense Fog City. I lived in California for one year as a child down near the Monteray Bay in Salinas...Ft. Ord which is now closed. My family came to San Francisco a few times and I loved it. Then when I was in the Air Force stationed in Japan flying in the Medical Evacuation Squardron I would come here. Every other week we had retro missions where we would work the flight Japan to Hawaii and then ACM to Travis AFB, CA and stay for three days. At those times I would love to rent a car and head to San Fran. To get back to Japan we would work and train with reserve units on the flight from CA to Hawaii and then ACM home to Japan...PHEW! That was fun but boy did we work hard for our money!!! Anyways I have always wanted to move back to California and I am so excited to share all the neat things here with my kids now.

We drove of the cliffs west of the Golden Gate.
The kids and Steve and I enjoyed that ride down Lombard St.

We only spent a little time down by the waterfront because it was cold. But I am pretty sure we will be back to see more.

We went to the Rainforrest Cafe and in the gift shop Madi bought one of these cute animals. If forgot what they are called but she has bought a few of these wide-eyed fuzzies this summer.
We have 3 different shipments of all our things and one of them is scheduled to arrive Monday...I can't wait!!!!!
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