I really enjoy making things for my home! Hand-piecing is something I love to sit and do. This past year I have made thousands of hexagons so I thought I would step out of my comfort zone and try piecing 6 pointed stars. I think they are very pretty but are a little harder for me. Nothing says Happy 4th Of July like Stars and Stripes :-)
I hand-quilted everything...see all the millions of tiny white specs? I sure like it though.

We have been swimming at the Post pool. My kids can spend 5 hours jumping off the diving board. Every now and then they do take a break and go down the slide.

Look at Ben.

And Madi too.

Today was rainy so we stayed home all day. I made some iced chocolate brownies for all the kids and to share with the neighbors...we didn't need the whole pan...as a matter of fact I don't know why I made them at all, I didn't need a one!

Today the kids spent 5 hours coloring Justin Beiber pictures...at least they all had fun.
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