Yankee Stadium, Serendipity, F.A.O. Schwarz and Wall Street

Well we are hanging in there. Steve left for Korea on Sunday, got there Monday. He has already found us a house there...a nice one too! The kids are excited. Steve's family came to visit us last weekend and are coming again this weekend...Steve's mom is going to see us off. We have been having fun. Another family moved into our house a few weeks. So we are in a hotel right next to Discover Mills Mall and The Mall of Georgia....nice! This kids love the race track store in the mall. Look at that track to race on. We have been swimming every night here at the hotel, so things are good.
I have been working on my hexes...I enjoy handwork so much but these hexes sure take hours to sew together.

In New York City, Yankee Stadium was one of our stops. Phew it's up in the Bronx. Madi had to go to the bathroom while we were on the 4 train so we got off...in the Bronx...that was something! 2 police guarding the bathrooms in McDonald's.

Remember last Spring we went to the Yankee's spring training down in Tampa...funny we see both of their places in the same year.

On our first night in New York City we went to Serendipity but the wait was over 1 1/2 hours so we came back the next day and only had to wait 20-30 minutes.

OOOO-LALA their famous frozen hot chocolate...what a HUGE treat.

If you go to New York City and have kids like us F.A.O. Schwarz is a must. It's in the bottom of the Trump Towers. You should see their Barbie section...to-die-for.

F.A.O. Schwarz is home to that BIG piano. Look at Madi dancing on it. There was a sign you can take one home for $250,000. Don't you remember this piano from the Tom Hanks movie Big.

The bull. It's down the street from the New York Stock Exchange

New York Stock Exchange.

On the other side of Wall Street in the old City Hall. There is the statue of George Washington...this is the place he took the oath of office becoming our first American president. After spending 2 1/2 weeks going up the East Coast, Ben and Madi have now been to just about every early American historical site there is. The trip was so fun!!!

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