Georgia room to Buckeye room!!!

CRAZY! Tonight we had some people stop by and asked about renting our house...we have a sign out front. They were really nice. They went upstairs to our red Georgia room first...they liked it. While coming back downstairs they said they needed a house in this area because their son was going to Union Grove but was switching to ELCA and they had to be in a new house by the 1st of Aug. to get him enrolled...okay. Then they said he was a football player. I told them Steve knows a lot about the High School football players and that he has even worked for So they turned to Steve and said they were avery walls parents. Steve took a step back...he knew who he was. Avery is only 16 and one of the best and has been offered 32 football scholarships. They are from Ohio, Avery was born at the hospital at Ohio State but has not gotten an offer from them...they are pretty full. The parents got serious with Steve...what did he think. They had just gotten back from Tenn., LSU-didn't like Les Miles, didn't care for Nick Saben, liked Ole Miss, went to UCLA, Stanford and Cal already, went to Oklahoma and Texas, but still really like Michigan...but their coach is about to get fired. The mom asked Steve twice if it was his kid where would he push...Steve being his normal self who never says anything that isn't nice only said not Florida at first. Oregon is the only other negative thing he said....they take kids who can't get anywhere else sometimes. They gave us their numbers just in case Avery does decide on one of the California schools they could get us football tickets...the parents said they would only go to maybe two out there so they can get plenty to share. Steve is freaked out that if they do rent our house in a few months when Avery picks his top 5 schools those coaches will come to visit this family living in OUR house...we require a picture of each one in here. And if Avery picks Tenn. his parents may find themselves evicted. Avery can commit now but he really wanted Ohio State or Georgia and they are not on the table so he may wait until his deadline in November. So the dad said being that they are from Columbus, Ohio they will enjoy the buckeye room and will proudly fly their Ohio State flag out front...well of course that is just fine with us!

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