Yesterday my friend Michelle came over for a fun craft day...and the kids got to play. This beautiful fabric candy corn was what we were making. But then Michelle also made me a white pumpkin after I oohed and awwed over hers. The candy corn smells like fall and would you look at that button stem on that pumpkin...I had so much fun...can't wait until next week for another craft day.

Last night the kids and I had planned a date to go see the new movie Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. So for dinner...what else but meatballs before heading out to the theater. The kids really enjoyed their movie but the funniest part was looking over at Madi smiling with no front teeth and those huge 3D glasses on.

Ben and Madi have been on Fall Break all this week. One day we went to some craft stores and all left with some sort of craft goody. Here is Ben with his sand art.

Madi picked out a paint your own Hello Kitty piggy bank.

Since I had been working on Halloween cards the kids and their friends wanted to make some too.
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