All I have been doing since Tue. night is crocheting this scarf for myself. This takes hours and hours. Of course my new favorite color combo red and aqua! I just finished this a few minutes ago and am ready to start something new. For a few of my Christmas gifts I gave to my friends and family I crotcheted face clothes to go with a yummy bar of soap...I can't get enough of this fun new habit.
I finished it!!!!!!!!
All I have been doing since Tue. night is crocheting this scarf for myself. This takes hours and hours. Of course my new favorite color combo red and aqua! I just finished this a few minutes ago and am ready to start something new. For a few of my Christmas gifts I gave to my friends and family I crotcheted face clothes to go with a yummy bar of soap...I can't get enough of this fun new habit.
Merry Christmas!
My friend amber has a tradition of getting Chinese take-out for dinner on Christmas the Harmon's are doing it.
The restaurant didn't give us chopsticks...that's okay...when I was in the Air Force I was stationed in Japan and have 100's of chopsticks!
Now you would think my kids could use them...they had fun at least.
We are all the way ready for Santa to come. When I was younger we always got to open one fun present on Christmas Eve so I let my kids. Tonight they opened Guitar Hero for their Wii...we are having a rocking good night...Steve too.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Enjoying the holiday week
Christmas in Savannah
What'cha got cookin'
Last Friday we went to to see Northside (Warner Robbins) at Newnan. Not only does Madi like to watch and play football, her new thing is running. Would you look at her down on the track in the starting position. Do you see #39 on the one of the Ogletree twins...both brothers played for Newnan but are both going to Georgia next year. Steve was all over the fact that the University of Tennessee recruiters were there trying to steal them.
We got to the game almost 2 hours before it started to be sure to get good seats...then the band from Northside came and sat RIGHT next to us. Last year all Madi wanted for Christmas was a drum set and Santa brought her one. So she was so in awe of the drummers...and look one of them was a girl!!! It was a fun night.
Deck The Halls
For some reason when I am sitting in the dinning room this is the view I have from the table and like it.
I was going to use my antique chip clip to hang my Christmas cards on but couldn't find a good place to hang it. So, instead I am using a shutter I leaned against the living room wall.
There are some Roll Tide...

CNN Center couldn't hold anymore Gators or Roll Tide. They said there were 100,00.

ESPN's College Gameday was outside at Centennial Park. It was such a fun time with Steve all day. Teresa and the kids went shopping while Steve and I were out celebrating. They had gotten the sweetest anniversary gifts and had them wrapped and waiting for us on our bed when we got home. I can't believe I have been married for 13 years!!!
CNN Center couldn't hold anymore Gators or Roll Tide. They said there were 100,00.
ESPN's College Gameday was outside at Centennial Park. It was such a fun time with Steve all day. Teresa and the kids went shopping while Steve and I were out celebrating. They had gotten the sweetest anniversary gifts and had them wrapped and waiting for us on our bed when we got home. I can't believe I have been married for 13 years!!!
Elephant Gray
We have lived in this house 3 years and 3 months and are on our 3rd color of paint. We had tan then brown and now elephant gray. I love it. It looks so pretty in person with the white fireplace and trim and my color furniture. We aren't done but had to show my friends. The house is a mess and nothing on the walls. We had a quilt hanging behind the tv but Steve said he likes it better without the 'blanket' on the wall. So now what do I do? Yes that is my small 7ft looks so tiny in there with the 13-15ft ceilings but now the year I buy a big one the Air Force will move us so I am sticking with this one. I hope you can tell it's gray. Suggestions for what to hang on the wall welcome! Oh I was thinking a big clock....Bethany are you reading this? I LOVED how in your living room in Germany you had just a big clock on the wall and that was was stunning and thought about that. And curtains...what do you think I should do. Do I need them? Poor Steve just got home and is doing all this for me...I had no plans on doing this...I sure need to be nice to him.
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